Topic: WorldNetDaily
In using his Nov. 3 WorldNetDaily column to rant about how Democrats "don’t really have a problem with rape. They have a problem with God," Joseph Farah writes:
It all started with Rep. Todd Akin’s deliberately misconstrued remarks about “legitimate rape.” The Missouri Senate candidate’s point was not to delegitimize rape. It was to save human life. Akin is a devout Christian whose faith is behind his strong opposition to killing innocent unborn babies. It’s worth noting that the 1973 Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision was over a case in which a woman admittedly claimed rape falsely to legitimize her decision to abort her child – a “choice” she and many other women who make such claims later deeply regret for the rest of their lives.
The despicable, amoral Democrats, like Akin’s unworthy opponent, incumbent Sen. Claire McCaskill, and their warped allies in the news media twist and distort the intent of such statements to obscure the real issues facing the nation and demonize God-fearing, righteous and imperfect men like Akin.
By focusing on "intent," Farah cleverly avoids fully quoting what Akin actually said -- that "If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down." The implication of Akin's statement is that a pregnancy from a rape means it wasn't really rape. The fact that Farah doesn't quote Akin fully is an admission that he knows Akin completely got it wrong about the whole "shut that whole thing down" stuff, but he's not going to call Akin out on that.
As Amanda Marcotte points out, Akin's view -- with which Farah clearly concurs -- comes from an "overwhelming fear that women are consenting to sex and weaseling out of their due punishment." Akin and Farah seem to think women must be punished, if not by getting pregnant then some other means, for having sex.Farah's invoking of the Roe v. Wade case is irrelevant here.
Farah goes on to sneer that Karl Rove "and his limp-wristed, bed-wetting friends in the Republican establishment are in the position of hoping Akin loses." That Farah would invoke a gay stereotype to insult someone he disagrees with demonstrates how little regard Farah has for gay people. (But if you read WND, you already knew that.)
Farah goes on to ask: "If Democrats truly believe rape is so horrible, and the accuser is always right, why did they dismiss so cavalierly Juanita Broaddrick’s credible rape allegation against Bill Clinton?" But Broaddrick's rape allegation wasn't credible because she spent the previous 20 years denying the alleged rape including in a civil deposition, the friends who backed her rape story up had a grudge against Clinton, and the main promoters of her story were part of the usual band of Clinton-haters Farah relied on in 1990s for his attacks on the president.