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Tuesday, October 23, 2012
CNS Fail: Reporter Is Three Weeks Late to Clinton Story, Still Gets It Wrong

An Oct. 22 article by Fred Lucas breathlessly reports on how former President Clinton 'talked about his eligibility to serve as the leader of both Ireland and France" during an interview with CNN's Piers Morgan.

However, as Lucas goes on to later note, this interview took place on "Sept. 30" -- more than three weeks earlier. 

Why did CNS take so long to publish this story? We have no idea -- Lucas adds nothing to it that wasn't covered by other outlets when Clinton actually uttered those words.

Despite this article's lengthy incubation time, Lucas still gets basic facts wrong. His lead paragraph identifies Clinton's interviewer as "Pierce Morgan." Also, the interview aired on Sept. 25, not Sept. 30.

Given that Lucas took so long to write this article, you'd think he would have done a better job with it.

UPDATE: CNS has corrected the spelling of Morgan's name, but it as of this writing has not corrected the date of the interview.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:13 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 7:37 AM EDT

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