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Tuesday, October 16, 2012
WND Tries to Spin Chuck Norris' Apocalyptic Video
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Last month, Chuck Norris released a video in which the clear implication was that if President Obama was re-elected, it could result in "one thousand years of darkness."

Apparently, Norris didn't take kindly to how crazy that sounded, so he re-edited the video. And WorldNetDaily is only too happy to properly spin things from what the "establishment media" said about it.

In an Oct. 9 article, WND wants it known that Norris was merely quoting Ronald Reagan, not specifically saying crazy things about Obama's re-election:

A public-service announcement by martial arts, television and movie star Chuck Norris and his wife, Gena, that encouraged people of faith to vote in this election included a quotation from President Ronald Reagan in which he said failing to preserve the United States would be to sentence children “to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.”

So this is what the establishment media wrote:

“Vote for Romney or Suffer ‘a Thousand Years of Darkness,’ Says Chuck Norris” from Adweek

“Chuck Norris: If Obama Is Reelected, It Could Bring About ‘One Thousand Years Of Darkness” from Mediaite

“Chuck Norris Warns of ‘Thousand Years of Darkness’ if Obama Reelected” from Hollywood Gossip

and “Chuck Norris: America faces ’1,000 years of darkness’ if Obama wins reelection” from NBC

The video has gone viral, being viewed by millions. There’s no doubt of its influence, even though it does not endorse a presidential candidate, because of the impact of previous statements from Norris that were endorsements.


But to counter the spin created by the legacy media reports, those who made the original public service announcement now have released a new edition, this time including a video clip of Ronald Reagan, to make doubly sure people understand who was making that statement.

We didn't know that Mediaite and AdWeek were the "establishment media."

The implication that Obama will destroy the country if re-elected, and would be better off under Mitt Romney, remains. He still implies that Obama is "evil" by repeating the famous Edmund Burke quote about good men doing nothing. And the implication that Obama will plunge the country into "a thousand years of darkness" remains obvious despite the words coming out of Reagan's mouth instead of Norris'.

Despite WND's spin job, Norris is still an Obama-hating crazy man.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:26 AM EDT

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