Topic: NewsBusters
Mike Bates spends his Aug. 27 NewsBusters post having a conniption over a less-than-favorable Los Angeles Times review of the factually challenged Dinesh D'Souza film "2016: Obama's America."
Bates largely ignores the substance of the review -- in which review Betsy Sharkey points out how the numerous re-enactments in the film "play like badly scripted sitcoms" and dhow D'Souza's "quiet, scholarly sensibility ... works against him on screen" -- to obsess over how Sharkey unfavorably compared the film to the works of liberal filmmaker Michael Moore.
Bates concludes: "Reviews are by nature subjective. But couldn't the LA Times have found an analyst who's not an unabashed fan girl for Michael Moore to report on a conservative movie?"
So only conservatives -- who, presumably, would be more predisposed to giving favorable reviews to films that promote views they agree with -- should be allowed to review a conservative movie? Isn't that the kind of media bias the MRC argues against?
Oh, we forgot -- conservatives are exempt from bias allegations at the MRC.