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Monday, August 27, 2012
The Kessler-Keene Lovefest Returns
Topic: Newsmax

We've detailed the logrolling relationship between Newsmax's Ronald Kessler and David Keene, former head of the American Conservative Union (which gave Kessler its "Robert Novak Journalist of the Year Award") and current head of the National Rifle Association.

Well, this dynamic duo is back together again in an Aug. 27 Newsmax article, in which Kessler gives Keene a platform to opine that "Mitt Romney is well positioned to win the presidency and should pull it off by five to seven percentage points."

Kessler even serves up some of his trademark slobbering, declaring that "Keene is one of the country’s sharpest political observers." Weirdly, though, Kessler doesn't mention Keene's current NRA job, identifying him only as "former chairman of the American Conservative Union."

Posted by Terry K. at 4:39 PM EDT

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