Topic: WorldNetDaily
We noted that WorldNetDaily had regularly covered a cause-celebre same-sex child-custody case in which the star, Lisa Miller -- a former lesbian-turned-Christian being respresented by right-wing legal group Liberty Counsel -- was fighting to keep the daughter she had raised with her former same-sex partner, Janet Jenkins, away from her ... until Miller and her daughter mysteriously disappeared in violation of court orders that required her to share custody with Jenkins.
Miller, as it turned out, fled the country with the assistance of Mennonite communities and, possibly, help from people associated with Liberty Counsel (an FBI affidavit states that Miller is living in a house in Nicaragua owned by the father of a Liberty University School of Law admininistrative assistant). It's also been reported that Liberty University School of Law, of which Liberty Counsel is an affiliate, teaches its students to engage in civil disobedience in situations such as the Miller case.
Now, WND is back covering the case. Why? Jenkins has sued several people and groups involved in the case, including the Thomas Road Baptist Church and Liberty University School of Law, of which Liberty Counsel is an affiliate. The lawsuit, filed under RICO statutes, claims that they andothers conspired to keep Miller hidden outside of the United States away from U.S. justice.
A May 18 WND article by Bob Unruh reports on Jenkins' lawsuit while failing to link to it so readers can decide for themselves. Needless to say, Unruh misrepresents the nature of the charges made in the lawsuit, stating only that "Jenkins’ lawsuit alleges Liberty University is liable because a student worker sought donations to help Miller. The suit makes similar claims about a member of Thomas Road Baptist Church." Unruh mentions nothing about the law school assistant's father (the assistant was the one seeking the donations) of the law school's teaching of civil disobedience; the lawsuit also quotes Thomas Road pastor Jonathan Falwell similarly advocating civil disobedience.
This was followed by an Aug. 19 article by WND managing editor David Kupelian defending Miller and Liberty and repeating one-sided and dubious attacks against Jenkins.
Kupelian cites reports from LifeSite News -- an anti-abortion website known for its biased reporting -- claiming that "clinical therapist Sylvia Haydash in her affidavit testified as to Isabella’s 'extremely regressive behaviors' after visiting with Jenkins." Kupelian failed to mention that Haydash was acting under Miller's direction, making her testimony suspect.
Like Unruh, Kupelian fails to mention the fact of the Liberty law school assistant's father owning the house in Nicaragua where Miller is reportedly staying. He does acknowledge the lawsuit's statement of how the law school teaches civil disobedience, but only as a prelude to letting Libert Counsel chief Mathew Staver deny the lawsuit's allegations.
Having deliberately ignored relevant facts about the case, Kupelian gets on his gay-bashing soapbox:
Decent people everywhere are outraged at the sheer perversity of the court system’s rulings in the Lisa Miller case: How can you possibly take a little girl from her biological mother and forcibly give her to a lesbian with no biological or adoptive relationship to the child, and who independent witnesses and experts claim is a destructive influence on the girl’s life? And then, as a result of this judicial blindness, when the mother takes desperate measures to protect her own child, she is deemed an international criminal, and everyone the lesbian plaintiff dreams might have helped the mother is drawn into an ever-expanding legal net.
Have we gone completely mad? Have we lost our humanity as a nation?In family law, courts always claim as their mandate, first and foremost, to act in the best interests of the child – which is exactly as it should be. In this case, however, the child’s interest has been utterly trampled underfoot in favor of the politically correct “rights” and ungodly agenda of activist homosexuals.
Today’s idiotic and ultimately suicidal national pretense that homosexuality is perfectly normal – that two men or two women can somehow be joined together in holy matrimony, that moral/religious opposition to this perversity renders you a bigot and a criminal, and that justice is somehow served by forcing a Christian mother to turn over her beloved daughter to a litigious homosexual – all this, my friends, is high mockery of God and His laws.
Kupelian concludes: "God bless Lisa and Isabella, wherever they may be – and God bless all those who have helped them."
This means Kupelian endorses crimes when they are committed to harm the rights of homosexuals. But you already knew WND hates gays.