Topic: WorldNetDaily
Apparently, the only criteria for becoming a WorldNetDaily columnist these days is slavish devotion to right-wing talking points, no matter how false, and hatred of Barack Obama.
That would seem to explain how Christopher Monckton, Viscount of Brenchley, has been named a WND columnist. In touting Monckton's appointment, WND states that Monckton is an "internationally known challenger to the claims of climate-change alarmists." We've previously noted how Monckton has presented himself as an anti-global warming expert despite having no scientific credentials.
But Monckton is also a birther, and WND just loves birthers -- even as the amount of willing ignorance of the facts it takes to remain one grows exponentially. (But WND won't report the facts, so Monckton and its readers remain in the dark.)
Monckton keeps up the Obama-bashing in his inaugural column, complete with plug for Aaron Klein's guilt-by-association book:
The United States is now governed not so much by Obama – who has become a dangerous irrelevance – as by China. The dirigiste, etatiste, centraliste policies detailed in “Fool Me Twice” are precisely the policies Communist China has so disastrously pursued since the unhappy days of Mao Zedong.
Monckton also repeats the discredited claim that Obama "moved Churchill’s bust out of the White House as an indication of his atavistic hostility to the West."