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Sunday, July 22, 2012
WND Sneers At Gays: 'Do These Khakis Make Me Look Kinky?'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily has typically been hostile to gays, but it has apparently decided to ratchet up the hate.

On July 19, WND sent out an email to its readers promoting an article by Bob Unruh -- with the headline "Pentagon gets 'gayer' than ever" -- complaining that the Pentagon granted permission for gay members of the military  to wear their uniforms in a gay-pride parade. That email had this headline: "Do these khakis make me look kinky?"

What "kinky" khakis have to do with anything in Unruh's article, WND doesn't say -- indeed, the word "khakis" doesn't even appear in the article. It seems to be merely WND taking an opportunity to sneer at gays asserting their rights.

It's highly unprofessional, of course. But since when has birther-obsessed WND cared about acting in a professional manner?

Posted by Terry K. at 9:25 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, July 22, 2012 9:40 AM EDT

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