Topic: WorldNetDaily
Barry Farber spends his June 5 WorldNetDaily column chortling that discredited author Ed Klein's poorly written, anonymous-source-laden smear job on President Obama got past the "mainstream-media-mafia" to top the New York Times bestseller list. Farber then claims: "To make the feast even tastier, Ed Klein is described as a 'liberal.' He was an editor of Newsweek and the New York Times Sunday Magazine."
Who is describing Klein as a "liberal"? Nobody we know. He last worked for the Times Magazine in 1987. Anyone who has done any cursory research on Klein will discover his hatchet job on Hillary Clinton and his embarrassing self-published novel treating every crazy Obama conspiracy as fact, co-authored with crazy person John LeBoutillier.
Farber, meanwhile, isn't even claiming Klein's book is accurate:
It’s past time for cool, chin-stroking deep-thinking analysis. This president’s a failure. We made a national mistake. Get him the hell out! Ed Klein has taken out the machine-gun nests and cleared the way.
All Klein's book sales prove is that there's a market for Obama-bashing books, no matter their accuracy.