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Wednesday, May 9, 2012
New Book By Ex-Posse Member Slams Birther Probe; Will WND Report?
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Joining John Woodman's birther debunking and Phil Berg's detonation of the idea that President Obama is using a fake Social Security, WorldNetDaily has another anti-birther story it must endeavor to ignore: A new e-book slamming the cold case posse "investigation" of Obama's "eligibility," written by a former member of the posse.

As Phoenix New Times details, Michelle Dallacroce co-wrote the book. She attacks the investigation has having been hijacked by ideologues, specifically stating that the Surprise Tea Party was using Arpaio as part of a publicity stunt in one press conference in order to gather signatures for a birther bill.

As we've documented, WND has worked with the Surprise Tea Party to manipulate Arpaio into doing his posse "investigation." WND's Jerome Corsi gave his birther presentation to the tea party group, which then gathered signatures on a petition to ask Arpaio to look into it.

Dallacroce also claims that Arpaio has granted Corsi "special deputy" status -- which means, according to New Times, that "a man claiming to be an 'investigative reporter' was made a 'special deputy,' given material from an investigation that hasn't been released to the public, and co-author a book with the lead investigator that's being sold for profit."

That also dovetails nicely with how WND has clearly been collaborating with Arpaio to release details of the "investigation" as Corsi pens fluff piece after fluff piece about the sheriff.

Phoenix New Times also notes that Arpaio refuses to answer the question of whether he granted Corsi "special deputy" status. Arpaio has also denounced the book, while also admitting he hasn't read it.

Given WND's penchant for ignoring or burying anything that contradicts its birther conspiracy narrative,  we can expect it to ignore the question of whether Corsi was made a "special deputy" for as long as humanly possible.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:15 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, May 9, 2012 12:31 PM EDT

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