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Wednesday, May 9, 2012
WND's Corsi Picks Up Breitbart Death Conspiracy
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily's Joe Kovacs, it seems, has had enough of the conspiracy suggesting that President Obama had a hand in killing a medical examiner in California. So he's passed the story on to someone with even fewer scruples and less ethical integrity than him: Jerome Corsi.

And so, we have a May 7 WND article in which  Corsi tries to make something out of even more nothing that Kovacs had: the apparent disappearance of "the only eyewitness to the sudden death of media innovator and conservative activist Andrew Breitbart." This is all so stupid that Breitbart's allies want nothing whatsoever to do with Corsi's obsession:

Filmmaker Steve Bannon, appointed executive chairman of the Breitbart News Network after Breitbart’s death, has insisted to WND that the media mogul died of natural causes and to suggest anything else is irresponsible.

“Breitbart had an enlarged heart,” Bannon told WND. “He had been hospitalized for the problem last year and told to lose weight that he did not lose.”

Because this is Corsi, however, the facts do not matter. He returns to hinting -- without any evidence whatsoever -- that Obama had something to do with some of this. He fails to mention, as Kovacs failed before him, that the medical examiner who died had nothing to do with Breitbart's autopsy.

Is this more of the "real news" Kovacs claimed to be so proud to report as a WND employee? Or has WND in full super PAC mode?

Posted by Terry K. at 2:14 AM EDT

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