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Friday, April 20, 2012
Our Challenge to Brent Bozell
Topic: Media Research Center

The hypocritical NewsBusters freakout over a "Daily Show" segment that briefly touched upon the idea of "vagina mangers" seemed too stupid for the Media Research Center not to do something further with -- and we were right.

Cue the indignant MRC press release:

Today, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell publicly dared The Daily Show host Jon Stewart to desecrate either the Koran or the Torah on national television in the same manner he offended millions of American Christians by portraying the Nativity as an accessory for female genitals. Bozell makes the challenge well aware that Stewart’s brand of “comedy” applies only to liberal-approved anti-Christian bigotry.

“Come on, Jon. We dare you to prove you are an equal opportunity bigot. Your grotesque stunt displaying a Nativity scene in a vulgar manner to take a jab at Fox News is but the latest in a long line of unacceptable behavior and hypocrisy when it comes to the media’s treatment of traditional Christianity.  Doing something similar with the Koran or the Torah is equally offensive.  Since you’re so brave to offend Christians, are you equally brave to offend Muslims and Jews?  We dare you.

Bozell continued:

"Stewart thought he was being cute when he displayed a manger scene in front of a woman’s genitals to mock those allegedly ignoring the 'war on women.' If he’s such a daring political comedian, he should demonstrate his boldness by performing the same routine, but this time with a Koran and the Torah.

"Otherwise he is not only a bigot but also an outright coward.”

Here's a little dare for Bozell: Man up, stop bending over for Rush Limbaugh, and explicitly denounce him for his three-day tirade of denigration against Sandra Fluke, and demand that he return his MRC "William F. Buckley, Jr. Award for Media Excellence."

We already know Bozell is an outright coward, and he is a misogynist by proxy for his tepid, mealy-mouthed faux protestations of Limbaugh ("Let’s all agree Limbaugh crossed a line" is hardly the profile in courage that was called for here). Unless he can stand up to his fellow right-wing ideologues for what is right in the form of basic human decency, he will never be anything more than a spineless twit.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:37 AM EDT

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