We hate to imagine the spittle-flecked rants that go on inside Terry Jeffrey's office every time President Obama says something he doesn't like -- which, judging by the vitriolic obsession with which Jeffrey writes about him, is apparently quite often.
So, what has set off Jeffrey this time? A little joke Obama told.
Jeffrey rants in an April 15 article:
Just two days after President Barack Obama gave a sharply edged response to news anchor Larry Conners of KMOV in St. Louis after Conners had asked the president about Americans who “get frustrated and even angered when they see the first family jetting around [to] different vacations and so forth,” Obama told a panel at the Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia that part of his job there was to scout out locations for a future vacation with First Lady Michelle Obama.
That's right -- Jefrrey devoted an entire article to grousing about this little joke Obama told. He's so livid that he can't even identify Obama's remark as a joke -- he's treating it as a totally serious statement, even though Obama got laughs and applause when he said it.
Jeffrey is so humorless that he finds an innocuous joke offensive. That's how much he utterly despises Obama.
So, can we stop pretending now that CNS under Jeffrey is a "news" organization?