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Friday, April 13, 2012
MRC Thinks Wall Street Journal Is 'Liberal Media'
Topic: Media Research Center

Lauren Thompson complains in an April 10 MRC Culture & Media item:

YouTube released 100 new channels in April, and there’s not a conservative voice to be found. The site embraced lefty culture with a vengeance, and liberal voices rule the social realm. From former MSNBC host Cenk Uygur to lefty new age author Deepak Chopra, liberals are commonplace figures in the new content.

But if you look at that list of new YouTube channels, what do we see? The Wall Street Journal. That's right -- Thompson apparently believes the Journal, with its Rupert Murdoch ownership and notoriously right-wing editorial page, is "lefty culture." Go figure.

But Thompson isn't done running around hanging the "liberal" tag on everything in sight:

Huffington Post contributor [Deepak] Chopra will be able to preach his radical new-age sermons from his channel “The Chopra Well.”

Google-owned YouTube granted channels to liberal outlets like “The Onion,” which viciously mocked Christian quarterback Tim Tebow in a video about his trade to the New York Jets. The "humorous video" on their YouTube channel predicts that upon his move to New York, Tebow will become a “homeless crack addict,” and he will “fall in love with a man named Javier and engage in unprotected sensual discovery.”

The Onion is "liberal" because it made fun of Tim Tebow? The Onion makes fun of Obama too; why doesn't Thompson call it conservative for doing that?

Thompson seems to be finding "liberal bias" where it really doesn't exists. That, presumably, is what makes her the ideal MRC employee.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:30 AM EDT

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