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Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Newsmax Weirdly Promotes Michelle Obama's Anti-Obesity Campaign
Topic: Newsmax

Funny what the lure of a "special invitation" to the White House will make some do.

Newsmax is a haven for Obama-haters (right, Wayne Allyn Root?), but apparently, that White House invitation, even to do a fluffy article , was apparently too tempting. Thus, we have an April 10 article by Paul Scicchitano and Kathleen Walter on Newsmax's health website that got almost as fluffy with the White House chef as Ronald Kessler does with Mitt Romney:

Newsmax accepted a special invitation from the Obama White House to speak with White House Chef Sam Kass, who is playing a key role in first lady Michelle Obama’s national campaign to fight childhood obesity.

During an exclusive interview with Newsmax’s Kathleen Walter, and a personal tour of the White House garden, Kass disclosed details of Michelle’s new program, called Let’s Move.

Yes, bragging that Newsmax got a "special invitation" to the White House is in the very first paragraph.

And for good measure, the article included a picture of Walter posing with Kass to immortalize the moment:

Maybe Bill Clinton should've tried this with Christopher Ruddy back in the '90s.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:39 AM EDT

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