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Monday, April 9, 2012
The Week In Gay-Bashing At the MRC
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center has always had an anti-gay agenda. They felt the need to ramp it up last week.

In an April 4 MRC Culture & Media Institute article, Paul Wilson declared that NBC reporting on transgender beauty contest pageant contestant Jenna Talackova was the same thing as "hyp[ing]" it, thus invoking the Depiction-Equals-Approval Fallacy. Wilson went on to complain that "NBC would not allow any voices who might contradict the liberal mantra that gender is changeable, while sexual orientation is not."

The next day, Wilson attacked "a lesbian writing in the HuffPost Gay Voices section" for writing about  the idea of a "queer Christ," huffing about Jesus being "converted into a gay icon in order to better promote the homosexual agenda," which "bears little resemblance to the Christ of the Bible." Dan Savage is dragged into this for some reason.

Perhaps that was on orders of his boss, Brent Bozell, who dedicated his April 7 column to bashing Savage's new MTV sex-advice show, which he grumbled was nothing more than "provocative, raunchy sex chatter." Bozell also rants that "MTV wants us to know that Savage’s homosexuality makes him more qualified as a sex therapist."

Meanwhile, back at CMI, Lauren Thompson -- who just can't seem to get around to posting her massive list of purported "anti-Christian" offenses in the TV show "GCB" -- found a new show to complain about. The ABC show "Scandal," she writes, is "a blatant platform for lefty views and policies." The particular offense here was a conservative war-hero character who was found to have kissed another man, and by the episode he "saw the light, and openly and proudly gave up his conservative lifestyle." Thompson whined: "Obviously lefties only celebrate military heroes who cover themselves in liberal ideology, while they decry true acts of valor as military propaganda. The real propaganda here was the flagrant and unashamed heralding of liberal policies, and the left’s complete intolerance of contradicting views."

Thompson's entire column, of course, is an example of right-wing intolerance of contradicting views. Ironic, isn't it?

Posted by Terry K. at 12:36 AM EDT

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