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Thursday, April 5, 2012
Noel Sheppard Asks Questions Answered in the Transcript In His Blog Post
Topic: NewsBusters

Does Noel Sheppard even read what he writes? Apparently not.

Sheppard rants in an April 4 NewsBusters post about "The Daily Show's" Jon Stewart discussing Sarah Palin's appearance on "Today":

Honestly, do you think there's anything this woman could do that would get favorable reviews from the likes of Jon Stewart?

Can anyone explain exactly what Sarah Palin has done to warrant the continued harassment she gets from liberal media members?

For myself, it's this kind of ad hominem attack that led me to stop watching the Daily Show in 2004.

And Stewart points fingers at Palin for dividing the nation.

From my perspective, he is far more guilty of it than the conservatives he mercilessly attacks night in and night out.

Sheppard apparently didn't even bother to read the "Daily Show" transcript he appended to his blog post, for the very first thing he quotes Stewart saying is: "The former Alaska Governor was actually quite good and likable in this setting." Which answers the question of whether Palin could ever get "favorable reviews from the likes of Jon Stewart."

Then, regarding Sheppard's questionn of "exactly what Sarah Palin has done to warrant the continued harassment she gets from liberal media members," Stewart spends the rest of the excerpt doing exactly that, starting the second sentence of the excerpt: "My issue was not with how I viewed Governor Palin as co-host of the Today show. It was mostly with how Governor Palin seemed to view it." Which is, as Stewart goes on to explain, "cynically exploiting a manufactured notion of yourself as a crusader against a monolithic exclusionary activist liberal media whilst actually enjoying a mutually beneficial, symbiotic relationship with them only to the detriment to the rest of the country."

If Sheppard had, y'know, actually read the transcript he copied-and-pasted into his blog post, he would have had his questions answered.

Is Sheppard being this obtuse on purpose? Or is he naturally dense?

Posted by Terry K. at 12:34 AM EDT

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