Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily's Chelsea Schilling -- she of the long history of factually deficient reporting -- has apparently decided to fully embrace her love of state-controlled and/or obscure foreign media that latch onto WND's birther obsession.
A March 29 article by Schilling touts how "Media from former communist nations are once again breaking through the veil of silence surrounding President Obama’s eligibility for office – even when the U.S. media refuse to investigate what is being called the 'largest scandal in American history.'" Of course, the outlet calling it that is Pravda, the former propaganda mouthpiece for the Soviet Union, so it's not exactly what one could call reliable.
Schilling adds the state-controlled Voice of Russia item she reported on previously, as well as "Neviditelný pes (The Invisible Dog), a popular news website from Prague." Schilling offers no evidence that this website is credible, let alone "popular."
Indeed, Schilling offers no reason why any of these organizations should be treated as credible. They're certainly no more so than WND, which is so motivated by Obama-hate that it refuses to acknowledge the existence of John Woodman, who has written a book debunking birther claims.
If anything, if these outlets are simply regurgitating WND's birther conspiracies, they're no more trustworthy than WND, which has repeatedly lied in order to push its anti-Obama birther agenda.
WND is also turning to second-rate rock stars to push its birther agenda as well. Another March 29 WND article highlights how "Megadeth singer and guitarist Dave Mustaine believes Barack Obama was born somewhere outside the United States."
Do WND really have much of a case on the birther stuff when the only supporters they can dredge up are Soviet-linked websites and washed-up rock singers?
UPDATE: WND also loves foreigners who opine in approved ways on birtherism. A March 28 article details how Lord Monckton bot "a first-hand look at evidence collected by Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his investigative team" and said "he is convinced that the document presented by the White House as Barack Obama’s birth certificate is fraudulent."
We've previously noted how Monckton has presented himself as an anti-global warming expert despite having no scientific credentials.