Topic: WorldNetDaily
Joseph Farah has been on an anti-gay tear the past few days.
In his March 7 WorldNetDaily column, Farah likened those to favor the legality of gay marriage to terrorists:
Same-sex marriage advocates no more care about the legality of same-sex marriage than Hamas cares about the creation of a Palestinian state.
Neither is interested in creating something new – something that has never been before. Instead, what same-sex marriage advocates and the terrorists of the Gaza Strip have in common is their desire to destroy something they find repulsive. In Gaza, it’s the Jewish state of Israel. Among homosexual activists, it’s the institution of marriage.
By making the bogus claim that marriage, as it has been known through the eons, is inherently unfair because some people don’t want to participate in it as it has always been defined, homosexual activists are able to establish for themselves what appears to be the political high ground of the victim. In exactly the same way, Arab terrorists are able to portray themselves as the victim by claiming they have been denied a state.
In his March 9 column, Farah declared that there was nothing wrong with Kirk Cameron asserting that homosexuality is "unnatural" and that same-sex marriage would be "detrimental" to society:
Let’s get real.
Cameron expressed no hate. He condemned no one. He succinctly and respectfully reflected the views of a majority of Americans and the vast majority of Bible-believing Christians.
That means the media, the entertainment industry and the homosexual lobby are no longer tolerant of mainstream American and Christian views being publicly espoused.
Think about that.
That’s where we are in America right now.[...]
I want to thank Kirk Cameron for standing up so boldly to proclaim the truth. It takes guts. He probably didn’t realize how much flack he would get. But Jesus warned believers about the times we’re living in.