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Monday, March 5, 2012
Pat Boone's Pack of Lies About Obama
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Pat Boone writes in his March 2 WorldNetDaily column:

In 2007, America thought it was electing a president. We never dreamed we were electing an emperor.

Are you among the many who’ve noticed, for a long time now, how many times Mr. Obama uses the word “I” in every speech, every press conference, every White House release? In ever imperious ways, he states what “I have notified Senate leaders,” whom “I have appointed” both to traditional posts and to his own newly created “czarships” over previously less regulated pursuits? How many times in his State of the Union addresses has he told Congress and the Supreme Court what “I will do in the coming months,” what “I‘m directing” various departments to do and even “what I will not allow while I‘m president”?

In fact, social psychologist James W. Pennebaker found that Obama uses the word "I" less than any other modern president.

Boone also claims that Obama "unilaterally made the decision that Catholic charities, schools and public ministries must make abortion services available, regardless of their long-established religious opposition." In fact, the mandate covers only contraception and sterilization, not "abortion services."

But Boone is not done lying; he asserts that Obama's "first 'executive order' after he sat down in the Oval Office was to provide $250 million to Planned Parenthood worldwide." In fact, Obama's first executive order as president was to revoke an executive order by President Bush enabling former presidents and vice presidents to limit public access to their records.

Can we really expect anything but a pack of filthy lies from a rabid Obama-hater like Boone?

Posted by Terry K. at 12:57 PM EST

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