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Tuesday, January 24, 2012
CNS' Curiously Vague Account of Question About Alinsky

Fred Lucas writes in a Jan. 23 article:

White House press secretary Jay Carney replied to a question on the subject at Monday’s press briefing by saying the president’s time as a community organizer was “well documented,” and adding, “his experience is a broad-based one that includes a lot of other areas in his life. I’ll just leave it at that.”


At Monday’s White House briefing, a reporter asked Carney about Gingrich’s claims that Obama’s vision comes from Alinsky.

Curiously missing from Lucas' article: the actual wording of the question Carney was asked, and the name of the person who asked it.

As nearly every other website reporting on this has noted, the question was asked by Fox News' Ed Henry.

Most of those news organizations also noted the exact question Henry asked: "Newt Gingrich keeps saying on the campaign trail that the President’s vision comes from Saul Alinsky, the community organizer. I haven’t heard you asked about him but… Is there some kind of portrait of him hanging up in the White House that people look up to or is this BS?"

Why would Lucas choose to hide such basic information? Is he protecting Fox News, or is he trying to hid the facetious nature of Henry's question?

Lucas also describes Alinsky as a "radical Chicago community organizer." But he offered no evidence to back up this claim, beyond noting that Alinsky "identified a set of specific rules for citizen protesters to follow in order to exercise political power." Lucas doesn't explain what is so "radical" about that.


Posted by Terry K. at 12:28 PM EST

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