In a Jan. 4 post, director of communications Craig Bannister does a fine job of what it wants readers to take away from the top attacks it published on its website, which were masquerading as "news" stories and most of which were devoted to attacking President Obama:
#1. Kagan to Tribe on Day Obamacare Passed: ‘I Hear They Have the Votes, Larry!! Simply Amazing.’
Lesson: Just because an Obama-appointed Supreme Court justice said it in her Senate testimony, doesn’t necessarily make it true.
#2. U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree Pays Homage to Obama—But Not Jesus
Lesson: The Obama administration needs Linus Van Pelt to explain what Christmas is all about.
#3. China Has Divested 97 Percent of Its Holdings in U.S. Treasury Bills
Lesson: Spending with wanton (or, wonton) disregard for your country’s finances will reduce the yen for your nation’s debt.
#4. Obama on Congresswoman: You Want Her 'In Your Foxhole' Because She’s ‘Charming,’ Has ‘Cute Smile’
Lesson: Obama can get away with being politically incorrect, even if you can’t.
#5. Fmr. Clinton Adviser: 'Very Possible' Obama Will Bow Out of Presidential Race - For Now
Lesson: Hope springs eternal.
#6. Report: Doctors Refusing to Treat Overweight Patients
Lesson: Obamacare is already presenting some big problems.
7. Obama Administration Exempting Schools From Federal Law’s Testing Mandate
Lesson: If the Obama administration has an unworkable plan, it’ll just issue a waiver (a la Obamacare).
8. Warren Buffett’s Taxing the Rich Won't Solve Deficit, Says Tax Foundation
Lesson: Obama can’t eliminate the deficit by taxing the “rich” – but, he could by taking every penny from every American he thinks has too much. Be afraid; be very afraid.
9. Muslim Group Offends Some Christians With Jesus Advertisements
Lesson: Not everything’s about Obama. Unless, of course, you work for the liberal media.
10. DNC Chair: Republicans Believe Illegal Immigration 'Should be a Crime'
Lesson: Liberal logic does not even remotely resemble our Earth logic.
Thanks, Craig, for confirming that CNS is more interested in being a factory for right-wing talking points than it is for disseminating "news."