Topic: WorldNetDaily
Sorry, Barack, but your socialist and communist mentors - from papa Obama to Frank Marshall Davis, from Saul Alinsky to Jeremiah Wright - had it all wrong. It is collectivism, in all its ugly incarnations, that doesn't work. So-called trickle-down economics, on the other hand, does work - and always will. It's built into the system.
Barack Obama would do well to listen to a once starry-eyed collectivist named Bill Clinton, who recently said, in an interview with Newsmax's Chris Ruddy, "We don't have a lot of resentment against people who are successful. We kind of like it, Americans do. It's one of our best characteristics. If we think someone earned their money, we do not resent their success. That's why there's been very little class conflict in American history."
We're less than a year away from finding out who is right in his assessment of the average American - Barack Obama or Bill Clinton.
-- Robert Ringer, Dec. 14 WorldNetDaily column
Personally, while I have big problems with some of Gingrich's positions on the issues, his past behavior and arrogance, I won't lose any sleep over his mental health. Remember who is in the White House right now. Could we possibly do worse?
-- Joseph Farah, Dec. 14 WorldNetDaily column
Then there is Obama. After his election, his promises turned out to be the equivalent of a "Feast of Barmecide." He now no longer promises anything; he behaves as a ruler or, better put, he behaves as a narcissistic, bipolar-schizophrenic, Communist dictator. He no longer promises anything – he now dictates. "Vladimir" Obama now just issues edicts and demands they be followed without question. He doesn't need Congress, and he couldn't care less about the American people. His intent is to rule and to separate by class and race.
Mychal Massie, Dec. 19 WorldNetDaily column
A little more than three years ago, I first posited on these pages the unwelcome truth that Bill Ayers was the primary craftsman behind Barack Obama's acclaimed 1995 memoir, "Dreams From My Father."
So taboo was the subject, however, that in the years since not one critic, left or right, academic or journalistic, has dared to explore it in print.
To make such an exploration easy, I will volunteer to any serious critic my digital copies of "Dreams" and Ayers's 2001 memoir, "Fugitive Days."[...]
The real scandal, as I have come to believe, is not that Ayers helped his struggling protégé, not even that Obama has continually lied about their relationship, but rather that the literary and media establishment has refused to investigate the most potentially consequential – and most obvious – literary fraud of our time.
-- Jack Cashill, Dec. 28 WorldNetDaily column
We are just days from the Iowa caucuses, and some of you may look to a new Republican president in 2012 to solve this and other major problems. Even were a great leader to emerge, which, given the spate of Republican "pygmie candidates," as I call them, is not going to happen, we cannot wait until early 2013 to crush the mullahs in Iran. And frankly, no Republican candidate has advocated a massive strike to end the Islamic regime. The Republicans just talk a good game. Where have they been for the last three years, as the cancer grew to a tremendous size under the "mullah in chief," Barack Hussein Obama?! Their efforts amounted to little more than political gamesmanship and are sickening!
Unless he is forced, the prospects of President Obama ordering this forceful action are not great. We thus need to put heat on our political and governmental interests by rising up and demanding this.
Obama and Hillary Clinton are traitors, and they are probably bribed to the hilt by Iran, but that does not relieve the rest of us from demanding action! We cannot allow for the rise of another Hitler-type regime at this time in world history. There are enough problems that confront us, and we must NOW take drastic measures to remove these vile and evil Islamic terrorists from the face of the earth, if for no other reason than to allow us to deal with other matters and get on with business.
-- Larry Klayman, Dec. 30 WorldNetDaily column