Topic: NewsBusters
Noel Sheppard appears to be rooting for the demise of "Glee."
In a Dec. 14 NewsBusters post, he proudly touts how the show's ratings "plummet[ed] 23 percent," which he attributes to its "intentionally stretching the boundaries of broadcast television decency." He then asks, "What might be one of the reasons? Could it be the program's expressed intention to more aggressively target conservatives this year?" He also raises the idea that the show's "excessive display of teen sex" might be the reason, and that "it is also possible the illusion of teen talent has been destroyed."
But Sheppard eventually gets to the heart of his argument: It's all about the gayness.
Others might think the subject of homosexuality has taken on too much focus this season.
When lead character Kurt's struggles with this and his relationship with his father as a result were the focus in previous seasons, it was handled with greater discretion.
Gay co-creator Ryan Murphy said that he wanted to stretch this envelope further. This included an on-air kiss between lead characters Kurt and Blain.
Maybe much of America isn't yet ready for such a thing on prime time broadcast television.
That seems to sum up Sheppard's argument. After all, he does need to adhere to the MRC's anti-gay agenda.