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Sunday, December 4, 2011
Newsmax's Trump-Fluffing Pays Off With Joint Debate
Topic: Newsmax

Newsmax -- led by the sycoiphantic Ronald Kessler -- spent much of the early part of this year aggressively promoting the presidential ambitions of Donald Trump, which ultimately imploded amid Trump's rampant birtherism. Newsmax CEO proudly proclaimed that Trump "realizes the great potential of Newsmax and has been using it very adroitly. We're well aware he's using it, happy he's using it."

That sycophancy has paid off with Trump teaming with Newsmax to host a Republican presidential debate Dec. 27.

Newsmax's "news" article on the debate reads like a press release,touting how Newsmax is "the largest online conservative news outlet in the nation" and propping up the little-watched, rerun-laden TV network Ion Television. No mention is made of Trump's birtherism, nor of Newsmax's rampant boosterism of Trump. Newsmax has since trumpeted that Newt Gingrich will appear at the debate.

Newsmax is ramping up its self-promotion in the run-up to the debate. It has already created an email list where people can "get special notices about this debate, be invited to online VIP events before and after the Debate and have an opportunity to participate online in the event itself!"

Is it surprising that these two publicity-hungry entities are getting together to create such a media event? Nope, not at all.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:10 AM EST

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