Topic: NewsBusters
Noel Sheppard appears to have decided that, having spent a few years in the employ of the Media Research Center as associate editor of NewsBusters, he has that media-research thing down. An Oct. 5 NewsBusters post announces the results of Sheppard's painstaking research with this hard-hitting headline:
Al Sharpton Begins One Third of His MSNBC Programs Saying 'Hey, Republicans'
Why is this issue of utmost importance to Sheppard? He declares that Sharpton is saying this "hatefully," and that "according to LexisNexis, there have been no similar incidents at Fox News when either Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, or former host Glenn Beck began a program with 'Hey, Democrats.'"
This is the kind of, er, detailed work we've come to expect from the MRC, and it seems to ensure Sheppard a bright future as an MRC employee.