Topic: Accuracy in Media
Did Don Irvine even watch the video he's attacking?
In a Sept. 5 Accuracy in Media post, Irvine writes of the "Fox News Sunday" interview between Chris Wallace and Dick Cheney, in which Wallace had shown a clip of Cheney on NBC's "Today" show in order to throw him a softball question about media bias:
Wallace had just shown Cheney a clip in which, after his interview with Matt Lauer of the Today Show, the camera zeroed in on a sign held by a protestor outside the studio that said to investigate Cheney. This was totally unnecessary and could have been avoided.
In fact, it's clear from the video that the NBC camera is zooming out of a crowd of people, during which time someone jumps in front of the camera with the sign.
Further, Irvine is mind-reading when he claims that the shot was "totally unnecessary and could have been avoided." How does he know the circumstances of that shot? He doesn't.
Inaccurate analysis and mind-reading hardly constitute "accuracy in media."