Topic: Media Research Center
A Sept. 6 MRC Culture & Media Institute article by Paul Wilson complains that the major news networks "won't touch" the story of "the exclusion of any religious participation from the Ground Zero memorial service during the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks." But Wilson failed to mention one pertinent fact: it's not news.
The Wall Street Journal, in the article that Wilson noted "broke the story," stated that lack of participation by clergy "has been the case during past events marking the anniversary, and that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg "has said he wants the upcoming event to strike a similar tone as previous ceremonies."
Wilson didn't note therightward leanings of the Journal, nor did he not the right-wing leanings of Fox News as he touted how fox News shows "The O'Reilly Factor, Hannity, The Five, and Fox News Watch all produced segments on the issue." Of course, if he had, that might have given away the partisan game he's playing.