It seems Terry Jeffrey really doesn't have anything better to do as editor-in-chief than mine Gallup polls for into he can use to attack President Obama and promote conservatives. He has cranked out a couple more Gallup-related articles this week:
Negative View of Federal Government Hits New High in Gallup Poll
Gallup: Obama’s Approval Hits All-Time Low of 41 Percent Among Women
Meanwhile, Jeffrey is continuing to find ever more arcane ways of manipulating economic numbers to make Obama look bad. Jeffrey asked in an Aug. 31 article: "Will Barack Obama become the first president in the post-World War II era during whose term real gross domestic product never grew in any quarter at an annual rate greater than 4 percent?" Of course, that's not a standard measurement of presidential economic competence; Jeffrey appears to have just made it up.
Because Jeffrey continues to obliterate the line between news and opinion at CNS, he writes in this "news" article:
For Obama to match that, the economy would need to be growing at 6.3 percent right now.
So, why isn't it?
Perhaps it is simply because people who in other periods would be investing their money, taking risks, building businesses, creating jobs and making themselves and their neighbors wealthier people are holding back out of the reasonable fear that under President Obama, there could be escalating government taxation and regulation, which would make their hard work and investment not worth the risk.
Looks like someone cares a lot more about scoring political points than reporting facts objectively.
UPDATE: Jeffrey pounded out yet another Gallup-related article:
Gallup: Unemployment Went Up—Again—in August