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Monday, August 15, 2011
CNS Launches Biased Attack on Dem 'Super Committee' Members
Topic: is serving up further evidence that it's abandoning real journalism to be a Republican attack dog.

When Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid named his three Democrats to the congressional "super committee" to negotiate federal budget issues, CNS responded with an Aug. 10 article by Susan Jones headlined "Three Liberal Dems Named to Deficit Reduction ‘Super Committee’," in which the first person she quotes is Republican National Committee chairman Reince Preibus, who declared that the selections "absolute proof that Democrats are not serious about deficit reduction." 

After Republicans named their House and Senate picks to the super committee, Jones penned another article merely naming who they are, failing to quote Democratic reaction to the picks. 

The double standard continued after the three Democratic House picks were named. An Aug. 11 article by Terry Jeffrey declared that all six Democrats "compiled voting records last year that earned them grades of 'F' from the National Taxpayers Union."

Not only did Jeffrey not report how the Republican members did on a liberal-leaning scale, he insisted that the NTU is "a nonpartisan organization," ignoring that the group is beloved by conservatives and funded by right-wing foundations.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:45 AM EDT

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