Topic: WorldNetDaily
Jerome Corsi writes in an Aug. 8 WorldNetDaily article:
California attorney Orly Taitz today secured an order from United States District Court Magistrate Judge Richard L. Puglisi demanding representatives of the Hawaii Department of Health appear in federal court Sept. 14 to show why Taitz should be prevented from seeing whatever original 1961 documents the agency has on record regarding Barack Obama's birth.
Wrong. Obama Conspiracy tells what actually happened:
Taitz, rebuffed by the State of Hawaii, filed a motion with the US District Court in Hawaii, asking the court to issue an order such as Corsi describes, and a hearing is scheduled for September 14 on the question of whether the court should issue such an order.
Corsi is seriously overstating Taitz's competence as a lawyer. But who expects actual facts from Corsi, anyway?
While we're on the subject, we do want to congratulate Corsi for -- after three months of deliberately ignoring facts -- finally acknowledging the existence of people who contradict the supposed "experts" who claim the PDF of Obama's long-form birth certificate is a fraud. Of course, just because he's acknowedging their existence doesn't mean he's going to report on them in an honest manner. From Corsi's Aug. 2 article:
The radical Obama supporters known as OBOTs have repeatedly asserted that experts cited by WND have ignored evidence that the effects observed in the White House-released PDF can be explained by utilizing various tools, such as running Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software and by optimizing the PDF.
Jerome Corsi's book, "Where's the Birth Certificate?" is available for immediate shipping, autographed by the author, only from the WND Superstore
Frank Arduini, an OBOT who works at CareFusion and frequently posts argumentative pro-Obama comments on WND forums, made the charge in a recent WND-published article, as seen in Exhibit 1.
Arduini's profile lists him as an IT Business Partner at the health industries company CareFusion, headquartered in San Diego.Kevin Davidson, who posts under the alias "Dr. Conspiracy," wrote the article referenced by Arduini, entitled "The Doc got layers," posted July 9 on Davidson's blog,
Davidson is retired from Netsmart Technologies, an information technologies company whose business includes providing assistance in vital records management to state organizations.
In an email to WND, Davidson professed that he never worked with the state of Hawaii and his former employer never had a vital records contract with the state.
He further stated that his Obama Conspiracy blog is "a personal hobby" that "was never connected to my employment."
Neither Arduini nor Davidson have demonstrated an ability to replicate what is observed in the Obama birth certificate PDF by scanning a document and utilizing optimization techniques.
Just because Corsi acknowledges their existence doesn't mean he'll bother to present their claims fairly -- indeed, Corsi largely ignores the arguments Arduini and Davidson make. Davidson responds at Obama Conspiracy:
Dr. Corsi is correct that I didn’t duplicate the Obama certificate PDF in my article, The Doc Got Layers, referenced in his story.
What I did was to scan a birth certificate with Adobe Acrobat, clicked "Optimize Scanned PDF" and observed that the resulting PDF was layered with a colored background and white space where text was, and that sometimes parts of a word were in one layer with the other part of the word in another in another. These are some of the things observed in the Obama White House long form PDF.
I showed that PDF optimization does things that some so-called image experts here at WND said were marks of fraud; they just didn’t know what they were talking about. However, I didn’t try it with the Mac software. If I had a Mac, I would have tried it. What I should point out, however, is that not one, not one of the "experts" presented here at WND scanned a document on a Mac and used the software indicated in the White House PDF either.
I can be excused because I don’t own a Mac computer, but WorldNetDaily runs almost entirely on Mac computers. What’s their excuse? I would like to see how Dr. Corsi answers that question.The Hawaii Department of Health says Obama was born in Hawaii and that they provided him a certified copy of the long form, and they link to the page at the White House where the long form PDF resides. As WorldNetDaily’s own Aaron Klein said on his WABC radio program after the long form was released:
"… the bottom line is that now Obama has done his part to show that he was born in Hawaii. The onus is no longer on Obama to show that. The onus is on somebody else. If somebody else can produce conclusive evidence that Obama was born somewhere else, so that this birth certificate is not real, that’s a different story, but that hasn’t happened, so we have to accept that Obama was born, and this is the evidence as of now, in Hawaii."
Showing that maybe, possibly someone COULD fake the PDF in PhotoShop or Illustrator is really beside the point. Anyone claiming Obama was not in born in Hawaii now must show that the White House PDF COULD NOT be authentic. Rather than trot out people who know how to use Photoshop and Illustrator, how about someone who has scanned a birth certificate on a Mac? And puh-leeze, no anonymous experts.
Corsi has yet to respond.