Topic: WorldNetDaily
In an Aug. 4 WorldNetDaily article plugging Pamela Geller's new WND-published book, "Stop the Islamization of America," Joe Kovacs writes that Geller "has been erroneously labeled by the leftist as "a right-wing, viciously anti-Muslim, conspiracy-mongering blogger." Not only does Kovacs explain why that claim is "erroneous," he demonstrates that the description is completely accurate.
Indeed, Kovacs uses the very next paragraph tolaunch into one of Geller's favorite anti-Muslim conspiracy theory, that the proposed Islamic center near Ground Zero is a "victory mosque:
"The mosque story has been a game-changer," writes Geller, noting outrage over the attempt by Islamic supremacists to erect a triumphal mosque upon the sacred site of the attack on the World Trade Center towers has awakened the American populace to what's really taking place.
"In early December of 2009, the New York Times – on its front page – heralded the arrival of a 15-story mega-mosque going up at Ground Zero. It was shocking. I don't know what was more grotesque: the jihadists' triumphal mosque, or the New York Times' preening of it."
Geller says news agencies consistently ignored the fact the vast majority of Americans opposed the structure.
"Americans didn't want a victory mosque marking the site of the 9/11 attacks. They didn't want an insult to the 3,000 Americans who were murdered there by Islamic jihadists and for whom Ground Zero is a cemetery."
Kovacs repeats Geller's tirades at the media, demonstrating what a utterly hateful, vindictive far-right person she is:
"The dirty smear merchants over at Media [anti]Matters understood what was happening and issued a directive to the leftwing lemmings: 'do not have Geller on national television.' The very same day that Goebbels-inspired post ran, Chris Matthews canceled my TV appearance for that evening. And the media, both left and right, have generally followed suit. They will only have me on if they have no choice. If I make news vis-a-vis a lawsuit or rally or some other newsmaking event and they are forced to, they do so reluctantly. If they can get my lawyer instead, they will because they have become so fearful of the truth."
"They found their card, the dawah card," says Geller. "Dawah is Islamic proselytizing, and the media decided to proselytize for Islam. Dhimmi Diane Sawyer's show on Islam was a horrible lie. Overwhelmingly terrible. I don't imagine that even Hamas-linked CAIR would have dared to write such a fallacious and dangerous script filled with obvious lies.
"ABC followed up the propaganda hour with Sunday morning's notorious stealth jihadist, Christiane Amanpour, whose obvious Jew-hatred and predilection for submission has become the hallmark of her embarrassing career. She did not disappoint. Amanpour framed and packaged this hot-button issue for Al-Jazeera audiences, not American ones. But America wasn't buying– Amanpour was bombing, dead last. A very great sign of things to come."
Why wouldn't WND publish this book? Geller somehow manages to hate Muslims and the mainstream media more than WND does.