Topic: Newsmax
Pat Boone begins his latest column, published at WorldNetDaily and Newsmax, by declaring: "Let me be very clear, right off the bat. I'm not calling the president or his administration, his closest White House advisers and consultants, jihadists."
Needless to say, that's exactly what Boone has done by the end of the column:
What is "jihad"? It's an Islamic word, variously interpreted as "the struggle" or "the journey." But a struggle for what? A journey toward where?
"Jihad" is currently understood as a word for "holy war" – and that's exactly how we see it in action, as destruction and violence and the killing of thousands erupts suddenly and viciously all around the world. The "struggle" is obviously for the domination, the subjugation of all peoples under a Shariah society. Whether or not the Quran is correctly understood as commanding this, the several million fatally committed to jihadism believe they are doing the will of Allah.
And if they could have their way, if they could force their will on us,what would America be like? All citizens would take their orders from an all-powerful government; those who obey without question might have some privileges, those who don't would be imprisoned or killed; religious freedom would be nonexistent; "wealth" would be "distributed" at the whim and direction of the religio/political dictators; and courts would dole out punishment according to the jihadist guidelines.
Impossible in America? Are you watching what's been happening all around us, just the last two and a half years?
Joe Biden, that is exactly what we tea-party "terrorists" have been yelling at you and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and those who just agreed in "bipartisan" legislation to add 4 trillion more to our impossible debt! Is our president a "terrorist," too?
Or a "jihadist" who has found the path, the "journey" to the economic collapse of our country, with all the resulting "fundamental transformations"?
In other words, just another sleazy Obama-bashing column from the supposedly squeaky-clean entertainer.