Topic: Newsmax
Incredibly, Obama and his Democrats are now blaming the victims in the debt-ceiling crisis.
These out of control D.C. spending addicts are exactly like drug addicts who have abandoned their spouse, kids, and job to do drugs 24 hours a day. Even though they’ve stolen from us, we do all we can to get them into rehab. But since they don’t want to stop drugs, what we get in return is hate, anger, and blame.
They accuse us of being horrible people for not willingly handing over more money to feed their spending addiction. They absurdly assert it’s all our fault and that we’ve forced them to rob us at gunpoint. And they scream that we are extreme.
Like all addicts, it has to be someone else’s fault. In this case they blame the taxpayers and the tea party. It’s our fault because we won’t willing give them more money.
Unfortunately, the addiction of Obama and Congress is destroying the American economy and enslaving our children and grandchildren to unimaginable debt for decades to come.
-- Wayne Allyn Root, Aug. 3 Newsmax column
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