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Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Another Fluffing Nexus for Newsmax's Kessler
Topic: Newsmax

It appears that Ronald Kessler's infatuation with Donald Trump's presidential ambitions is over for good.

Kessler's July 11 Newsmax column returns to fluffing his first presidential love, Mitt Romney:

In the stock market, it’s known as the whisper number. It’s the stock market analysts’ consensus on what earnings a company will report. Because they give their forecasts anonymously, the analysts tend to be more honest. Over time, the whisper number has proven to be more accurate than the figure analysts cite on the record.

In politics, it works the same way. When speaking publicly, conservative leaders usually hedge their bets. They don’t want to be seen as favoring one candidate over another.

In private, it’s a different matter. In those off-the-record conversations, a range of conservative leaders I have chatted with favor Mitt Romney for president.

Kessler does cite one conservative on the record -- his old buddy David Keene. This is the second column in the past month in which Kessler worked in both Romney and Keene.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:35 PM EDT

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