Topic: WorldNetDaily
A June 24 WorldNetDaily article by Bob Unruh keeps up its gay-hating agenda at the very top: the headline reads, "Chicago Cubs go to bat for kids' homosexuality," and the opening paragraph asserts that the Cubs are "encouraging homosexuality in kids."
How is it doing such a thing? By making a video for the "It Gets Better" series. That's it. Unruh, of course, sees only horrible things, making sure to note that team co-owner Laura Ricketts is "a lesbian."
Unruh quotes notorious gay-hater Peter LaBarbera attacking the "It Gets Better" campaign, but makes no apparent effort to contact anyone with the Cubs organization to respond to the criticism. Unruh also uses the pejorative term "homosexual lifestyle" twice in his article.
Adding insult to injury, Unruh identifies the Cubs as a "perennial also-ran."
Unruh even rehashes "information from the International Journal of Epidemiology that estimated from a review of the 'gay' population of Vancouver, B.C., that HIV/AIDS costs homosexuals up to 20 years of their lives on average." (Yes, WND insists on putting scare quotes around "gay.") As we pointed out the last time when Unruh brought up this study earlier this month, its findings are irrelevant to today; it examined data from more than 20 years ago, before anti-AIDS drugs were developed. Fhe authors of the study have since said that the longevity gap between gays and straights has since narrowed, and that they also rejected attempts of anti-gay organizations to construe its earlier study to justify denigration of gays -- which, of course, is exactly what Unruh is doing.
Unruh, it seems, wants gay teens to kill themselves. That's the only conclusion that can reasonably be drawn from his willingness to launch such a unfair attack on the "It Gets Better" campaign.