Topic: NewsBusters
Last week, we noted how NewsBusters invented the claim that a joke about Herman Cain by Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show" was "racially charged" even though no evidence was presented to support the claim. When it comes to actual racially charged statements on a ideologically simpatico channel, however, NewsBusters isn't so quick to rush to judgment.
While Media Research Center employee Geoffrey Dickens was writing his baseless attack on Stewart, Eric Bolling was using the June 10 edition of his Fox Business show "Follow the Money" to say of a meeting between President Obama and the president of Gabon: "It's not the first time he's had a hoodlum in the hizzouse." Bolling repeated the point later in the show, saying, "It's not the first time he's had a hood in the big crib." Bolling later said, "So what's with all the hoods in the hizzy?"
This isn't the first time Bolling has used disparaging, racially charged rhetoric to smear Obama; he previously wrote that Obama was "chugging 40's in IRE while tornadoes ravage MO."
NewsBusters got all hot and bothered a few weeks ago when liberal Ed Schultz said on his radio showthat conservative Laura Ingraham was a "right-wing slut" -- even demanding that he be suspended from his MSNBC show for the remarks, even though they never appeared there. They got what they wanted, and expressed pride that Schultz was "humiliated" into an issuing a apology.
Bolling, by contrast, spent a mere 14 seconds disingenously claiming that he went "a little fast and loose with the language," even though his racially charged statements appeared in apparently scripted, pre-taped segments.
Where's NewsBusters' outrage? Or is it too busy inventing more bogus racism allegations against liberals to bother?