Topic: NewsBusters
Noel Sheppard's propensity for using variations of "smackdown" is not the only headline cliche he embraces at NewsBusters. Here's his history of using "school" over the past six months:
Eleanor Clift Schooled On Egypt By Entire McLaughlin Group
National Review's Salam Schools Andrew Sullivan on Conservatism, Palin and the Tea Party
Tony Blankley Schools Ed Schultz and Bill Press on Which Side Uses Violent Political Rhetoric
Medved Schools Schultz and Press on Tea Party and Obama's Tax Cuts
Condoleezza Rice Schools Katie Couric on Why U.S. Invaded Iraq
Michael Moore Schooled On 'Real Time': Anti-Obama Sentiment Isn't Racist
Charles Krauthammer Schools Carlson and Krugman on Raising Social Security Retirement Age
GOP Strategist Schools Matthews: Palin's Resumé Just As Strong As Obama's Was
George Will Schools Christiane Amanpour On Campaign Spending
GOP Strategist Schools Matthews: 'Palin's Had A Lot More Experience Than Obama'
George Will Schools This Week Panel on Tea Party Causing GOP Civil War
Sounds like someone could use a thesaurus.