Topic: WorldNetDaily
Obama's budget is a joke, a cruel joke reminiscent of the kind that was popular when Eisenhower was president.
Taxpayer to Obama: "Mr. President, why am I going around in circles over this budget?"
Obama to Taxpayer: "Shut up or I'll nail your other foot to the floor."
Not funny.
How about a knock, knock joke?
"Knock, knock!"
"Who's there?"
"Budget who?"
"Budget didn't know I fooled you again."
Still, not funny.
-- Jane Chastain, Feb. 17 WorldNetDaily column
However, the charge made by some (including myself) that the president is intent upon "destroying America" has invited ridicule, since the left and the press in particular typically paint all Obama detractors with a very wide brush. Logically, of course, it doesn't make any sense that a world leader of any political persuasion would intentionally destroy his country.
Well, this would depend upon what the meaning of the word "destroy" is.
If the meaning of "destroy" is turning America into a barren, smoldering, toxic moonscape from coast to coast, something out of "The Road Warrior" or "Resident Evil," then Obama almost certainly does not wish to destroy America. This paradigm of destruction would be dismissed by Americans as ludicrous – at least as far as someone wanting to bring it about intentionally.
But there are other kinds of destruction. A family can be destroyed without its members being slaughtered and their house burned down. Varying brands of calamity and/or dysfunction have served to consign family units to a state of non-being. It happens all the time. Similarly, nations throughout history have been destroyed without the wholesale annihilation of their people, their farms being burned and their cities razed to the ground.
-- Erik Rush, Feb. 17 WorldNetDaily column
We all know where the "mullah in chief," President Barack Hussein Obama, stands on Israel and the Middle East – four square with the previous "idiot in chief," former President Jimmy Carter. Like Carter, who believes in the "innocence of strangers" like the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and Hezbollah – terror groups that in Jimmy's senile anti-Semitic mind he thinks are fellow "democrats" – Obama's pro-Muslim inclinations lead him to ignore the freedom movement in Iran, which is largely secular, and work against the Jewish state, Israel, the only true democracy in the Middle East.
Indeed, while quick to push Egypt's former President Hosni Mubarak out the door and open it up for the Muslim Brotherhood, Obama and his secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, made scant mention of the demonstrations in Iran this week, saying only that they wished the mullahs – who are executing the opposition at a rate of one every nine hours – would honor universal concepts of freedom of speech. Nothing was said about so-called "regime change," which they were quick to advocate with Egypt. And when, in the last days, the neo-Nazi Islamic Iranian regime expressed its intention to send warships into the Suez Canal zone at Israel's doorstep – which is more than even a provocation, but a virtual act of war – what did Obama and Ms. Hillary say about that? Nada, rien, zero, nothing! And, to top it all off, there is the administration's desire, for the first time in U.S. history, to soon support a new but retooled United Nations resolution condemning Israeli settlements on its West Bank – land God gave to the Jewish people and which they reclaimed at the cost of Hebrew blood in the 1967 war.[...]
Shame on you, Republicans! You may not be pro-Islam like the mullah in chief, but, with your inaction, you are certainly furthering his anti-Judeo-Christian designs and endangering Israel, the United States and the entire Western world in the process.
-- Larry Klayman, Feb. 19 WorldNetDaily column
If ever you needed an illustration of the idiocy, naïveté and downright selfishness of too many Americans, these spreading disruptions are perfect. You have supposedly educated people who threaten to "tear it all down" because they can't get what they want when they want it.
Of course, that there's no money to fund their expectations doesn't matter to them. Their rhetoric is illustrative of Marxist ideology in play, and it all should make one man particularly happy.
That man is Barack Obama, the man who is the president of the United States. It's too bad that he's out of his league in that job and totally removed from the havoc he's instigated, although I don't for a minute believe he isn't fully aware of the damage he has, and is, causing.[...]
While the Middle East spins into chaos, our allies are deserted, our economy teeters on the rocks of bankruptcy, the dollar fragile and the threat of domestic violence over economic issues is too real, Barack Obama continues like the Wizard of Oz – existing behind the curtain of lies, pretending all is well with the world.
It's all a sick joke – on us.
--Barbara Simpson, Feb. 21 WorldNetDaily column
Following the meticulously laid out agenda of Saul Alinsky, the Chicago Communist who wrote his infamous "Rules for Radicals," our leaders (including unconstitutionally appointed "czars" who only answer to the president, not to Congress), have rammed through a 2,200-page health-care bill, with an $800 billion price tag, over the strenuous objections of the people. Mr. Obama wants to "freeze" discretionary (his discretion) spending at current levels (the highest in history) for five years – telling us it will save $40 billion a year – when he knows the "savings" will be the billions that would otherwise be added over that period.
We appear to be living in George Orwell's "1984," in which the government says the exact reverse of the truth – and the poor brainwashed public has to accept it.
What will it take to wake us from this nightmare?
-- Pat Boone, Feb. 26 WorldNetDaily column
It's as though Obama is following Nero's playbook: Party down and have fun while ignoring the local/domestic problems, avoiding the pressures of outsiders and ruling with autocratic aplomb – or maybe I should say, chutzpah.
What do you say about a president and his family who seem to take a vacation every chance they get while simultaneously preaching piously to "the people" that we all have to cut back, to sacrifice?
Just as with Nero, our leaders don't set a good example.[...]
But there's an aspect of Nero's story you might not know. The early view was that the fire was accidental. Later, scholars amended that, believing Nero set the fire to create the chaos that gave him the utter control he wanted.
What about Obama's actions and inactions? Intentional?
People often ask me, "What would Obama do differently if he intended to destroy this country?"
It's a tough question, but remember the Emperor Nero. To get total control, he burned Rome.
Think Nero.
Could it be happening now?
Think Obama.
-- Barbara Simpson, Feb. 28 WorldNetDaily column