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Saturday, February 26, 2011
WND's Klein Desperately Tries to Link Obama to Gadhafi
Topic: WorldNetDaily

As Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi attempted to violently put down the rebellion in his country, WorldNetDaily's Aaron Klein was straining to tie President Obama to Gadhafi.

Klein went his usual guilt-by-association route by touting Obama's "mystery links to Gadhafi" -- though anyone familiar with Klein's dishonest reporting techniques knew there was no mystery about what he was trying to do. All that Klein could come up with was claiming that Obama was being "cautious in his criticism of the dictator" because his former "spiritual adviser," Rev. Jeremiah Wright, went to Libya 25 years ago.

Since that obviously wasn't  enough to fill out an article, Klein also threw in Gadhafi's ties to Louis Farrakhan, to whom Klein claimed Obama "has ties to" but served up nothing more substantive beyond their pictures appearing together on a magazine cover. Klein asserts no direct link whatsoever.

Further, in attacking Obama for allegedly not taking a "tougher stand" on Gadhafi, Klein ignored reports that more direct attacks on Gadhafi by the administration could have put in danger the lives of thousands of Americans trapped in Libya, including the possibility of their being taken hostage.

Klein, it seems, cares more about scoring partisan political points than about the safety of his fellow Americans.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:21 PM EST

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