Topic: Media Research Center
Brent Bozell has always portrayed his political enemies in the harshest tones he can think of (i.e., "Christiane Amanpour needs lithium badly"), and this week he has stepped up his attacks.
In his Feb. 23 column, Bozell dropped a reference to "public-sector union hacks." That's right -- according to Bozell, every one of the millions of members of public-sector unions, no matter what they do for a living, is a "hack."
Bozell went on to dismiss as "politically perverse" the idea that the protests in Wisconsin over a Republican governor stripping public unions of collective bargaining rights could be likened to Egypt's recent revolution. Bozell pushed this theme during his weekly appearance on Fox News' "Hannity," citing ABC's Diane Sawyer as an offender.
One problem with that: As Media Matters points out, Sawyer was quoting Republican Rep. Paul Ryan at the time.
Bozell wasn't done denigrating, though. In his Feb. 25 column, he defended the male high school wrestler who refused to wrestle a female opponent by attacking the girl's parents, complaining that no one is asking why they are "encouraging their teenaged daughter for years to wrestle competitively with males – with every implication, physical and sexual."
Does that mean same-sex wrestling has a sexual component too? Bozell doesn't answer that question.