Topic: WorldNetDaily
In his Feb. 2 WorldNetDaily video, titled "America's blood-stained hands," which was one long anti-abortion rant insisting, among other things, that MTV's "No Easy Decision" was a "30-minute pro-abortion commercial" (actually, it dared to be even-handed on the subject, a concept ol' Molotov is extremely unacquainted with). Mitchell concluded his video by saying that "all the money in the world can't buy that blood off your hands," adding: "May God have mercy on our nation. But if he doesn't -- if he chooses to destroy our economy, if he chooses to take away our life and our freedom, if he chooses to punish us -- well, we certainly deserve it."
Speaking of blood-stained hands, let's look at Mr. Mitchell. You'll recall that, as a part of his gay-bashing efforts to achieve "the abolition of homosexuality," Mitchell endorsed a proposed law in Uganda that would make mere homosexuality punishable by death, while denying that it did any such thing.
What have been the fruits of Mitchell's enthusiastic endorsement of killing gays? In October, a Ugandan newspaper published the names and pictures of "Uganda's Top Homos" with the additional headline, "Hang Them." Sure enough, inJanuary, one of the people the newspaper identified, David Kato, was murdered. As we've noted, while Ugandan police have claimed that Kato was killed by, in the words of anti-gay activist Scott Lively, a "live-in male prostitute who murdered Kato for failing to pay him as promised," no proof to back up the claim has been forwarded, and some have noted that police may try to cover up a motive of homophobia in Kato's death to protect the Western aid upon which the country relies. And the publisher of the paper that put the "Hang Them" headline next to a picture of Kato says, "I have no regrets about the story. We were just exposing people who were doing wrong."
That sounds a lot like Mitchell's attitude, doesn't it? We suspect that if Mitchell thought he could get away with telling people to hang gays, he would do it. "Abolition of homosexuality," remember?
Before Mitchell starts moralizing about the blood on other people's hands, he might want to do something about the blood on his own. May God have mercy on him.
P.S. The same goes for Mitchell's fellow gay-hater, Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media.