Topic: WorldNetDaily
It wouldn't be Ellis Washington if he wasn't spewing hatred and getting stuff flamboyantly wrong, and he hits the mark on both in his Feb. 5 WorldNetDaily column.
Washington begins with "paraphrasing the telling words" of Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson as "The Constitution is not a suicide pact." A paraphrase means that you keep the essential meaning of what was said, and Washington didn't do that. Jackson never said that "The Constitution is not a suicide pact"; he said, according to the Wikipedia link Washington supplied regarding a court ruling to which Jackson supplied a minority opinion on, that "There is danger that, if the Court does not temper its doctrinaire logic with a little practical wisdom, it will convert the constitutional Bill of Rights into a suicide pact."
From that factual error, Washington moves on to ranting about how "The world stands at the brink – the Progressive/Muslim Axis vs. Natural Law/Christianity." This segues into a discussion of events in Egypt, in which he dismisses both Joe Biden and Mohamed ElBaradei as "what Lenin called useful idiots."
Washington then segues into an anti-Egypt tirade:
The Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty of 1979 began America's financial aid of Egypt, which amounts to scores of billions of dollars to date. Most of that money goes to Egypt's military. Egypt, along with several other Muslim nations fought (and lost), four major wars against Israel in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. Why for the past three decades have we given money to build Egypt's military and keep a dictator in power? Because they signed that treasonous false peace treaty in 1979 with that nitwit Jimmy Carter while Egypt secretly ships hundreds of tons of weaponry though their shared tunnels into Gaza, which Hamas uses to kill Israelis.
Washington offered no evidence that the Egyptian government is secretly shipping arms to Hamas that were purchased with U.S. foreign aid. In fact, quite the opposite is occuring: Mubarak's government usually destroys tunnels to Gaza, and the smuggled weapons are made in Russia and China, not America.
And Washington's depiction of the Israel-Egypt peace treaty as "treasonous" is bizarre, since the treaty has largely held for 30 years.
Washington concludes by descending into derangement over various things:
America must break the servile bondage of the Progressive-Muslim Axis over American foreign policy. The trillions spent in foreign aid and war over there we've essentially flushed down the toilet. What has 35 years of Middle Eastern "diplomacy" gotten us but 9/11, two Iraq wars, Afghanistan and the devolution of American exceptionalism?
I am not promoting neo-isolationist policies America had prior to the World Wars, but how about breaking the slave chains of China, Iran and the Saudis and returning to a robust Reagan foreign policy where we manufacture what we need here in this country without needless regulation and union thuggery? How about America mining for our own rich natural resources in coal, oil, natural gas, shale and other profitable minerals needed for computers, manufacturing and weaponry? America is literally the Saudi Arabia of coal, oil shale and natural gas, but for too long we've allowed gutless politicians to be controlled by the environmental fanatics, union thugs and the regulatory Gestapo.
Stop the Progressive-Muslim Axis. America needs a pragmatic and narrowly defined foreign policy that makes alliances with Christian or Christian-friendly nations and avoids what President George Washington warned against, entangling alliances with those nations whose ideology and culture seek our destruction.
Any nation that we have to bribe with foreign aid (i.e., voluntary extortion) isn't a faithful or true ally and will only push America into bankruptcy and into treasonous geopolitical entanglements.
Only Christians should get U.S. foreign aid? Really?