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Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Who Doesn't Farah Want to Impeach?
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Interesting, isn't it, that not one member of Congress has come forward to call for the impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton for moral turpitude in light of the accusations of Juanita Broaddrick?

So, let the chorus begin here: It's way past time to throw this bum out of office. He's a disgrace to his office. He's a detriment to his country. And he's an embarrassment to the human race.

-- Joseph Farah, Feb. 26, 1999

Pat Buchanan, former communications director to President Ronald Reagan, former presidential candidate and WND commentator, has come to the conclusion that a courageous Republican legislator should move a bill for impeachment of President Bush.

I reluctantly agree – and for the same reasons.

President Bush has had nearly five years in office to honor his oath of office and enforce immigration laws in this country.

He has not only failed, he has intentionally neglected this sworn duty, instead claiming he prefers to promote a vague immigration "reform" plan that involved a "guest worker" program that has served as an encouragement to the most massive influx of illegal immigration this country has ever seen.

-- Joseph Farah, Aug. 31, 2005

Obama must be challenged on every front – even if we don't win every battle. It's time to go on offense, buddy.

We won't get a second chance this time.

Obama should be impeached.

This isn't just about policy disagreements. It's about the biggest and most egregious abuse of power in American history.

If you think I'm exaggerating, tell me how.

It's time to step up to the plate. Americans are not sending Republicans to Congress this year in record numbers because they want a counterbalance to Obama in Washington. They are sending them there to change the direction of the country – radically.

What's wrong with impeachment?

Impeachment is a political process. It's part of the Constitution. It might fail, because there are plenty of wimps among Republican members as well as a fair number of Democrats apparently sworn to overthrowing our constitutional system.

Nevertheless, political battles are won on offense, not defense.

-- Joseph Farah, Nov. 1

Posted by Terry K. at 12:58 AM EDT

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