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Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Obama-Hate, Birtherism Rampant At WND's Convention
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Media Matters' Zachary Pleat attended last weekend's WorldNetDaily-sponsored Taking America Back conference, and he lived to tell the tale of the rampant birtherism and bigotry exhibited therein. He also brought back audio of the conference speakers. Since WND has not seen fit to post any footage of its convention speakers, here are some choice cuts:

Jerome Corsi: "That [Obama's] not a Muslim and that he was born in the United States are both lies"

Corsi links same-sex marriage to "pedophilia," "polygamy," "bestiality," and marrying "cantaloupes"

Corsi: "If Barack Obama is not Islamic, then let him renounce Islam along with renouncing Lucifer"

Corsi: Obama "has stolen the identity of a natural born citizen" and is "using someone else's Social Security number"

Floyd Brown claims Obama "hates Christianity" and "is a Muslim"

Floyd Brown: After taking Congress "the next, most important step for them is to impeach Barack Hussein Obama"

Joseph Farah asks, "Has anyone at WorldNetDaily ever asserted" that Obama "is foreign-born?" (Yes, they have.)

Farah suggests gay marriage ruling will lead to "sexual anarchy"

Posted by Terry K. at 1:48 PM EDT

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