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Saturday, September 4, 2010
WND's Double Dose of Getting A Name Wrong
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Remember WorldNetDaily's sad attempt to tie Discovery Channel building gunman James J. Lee's extremist environmental views to Al Gore, despite the fact that 1) Lee also shares WND's view on the undesirability of "anchor babies" and 2) WND's Bob Unruh couldn't get Lee's name correct ("Jason Jay Lee")?

Turns out that was preceded by a column by Brian Sussman -- extensively quoted in Unruh's article -- attempting to make the same connection. And now we know where Unruh's name screw-up came from:

Yesterday, a gun-wielding, bomb-toting, eco-terrorist – who claimed to have been "awakened" by Al Gore's Oscar winning film, "An Inconvenient Truth" – was shot and killed by police after holding several people hostage inside the Discovery Channel headquarters in Maryland.

Sadly, it's not the first incident of someone going berserk after taking in Gore's work.

This time it was Jason Jay Lee. 


As I prove in my book, "Climategate," Al Gore's writings, films, slideshows and speeches are filled with deception. And the scam he spews is scary stuff – so scary that many who believe it to be gospel are often compelled to take action. For some the action entails buying a hybrid vehicle they don't need or can't afford. For others, like singer Sheryl Crow, it means using one square of toilet paper at a time – to reduce thy carbon footprint.

For others, like Jason Jay Lee, it resulted in something unthinkable.

Sussman's inability to nail down basic facts like the gunman's name raises red flags about the veracity of Sussman's WND-published book purporting to expose "the global warming scam." And Unruh's copying-and-pasting of Sussman's wrong name for his own article demostrates what a complete hack he has become at WND.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:10 AM EDT

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