Topic: WorldNetDaily
When you start your column with a lie, it's difficult to take anything else you write seriously.
Phyllis Schlafly does just that in the opening sentence of her June 30 WorldNetDaily column:
Barack Obama revealed his goal for the Supreme Court when he complained on Chicago radio station WBEZ-FM in 2001 that the Earl Warren Court wasn't "radical" enough because "it didn't break free from the essential constraints placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution" in order to allow "redistribution of wealth."
As we've detailed, Obama didn't "complain" that the Warren Court wasn't radical enough; he merely stated it as fact.
Unsurprisingly, Schlafly goes on to mislead about other Kagan-related things. She bashes Kagan's praise for Aharon Barak despite his being "the most activist judge in the world" without noting that none other than conservative justice Antonin Scalia has also praised Barak. Schlafly also repeats the discredted lie that Kagan is "anti-military."