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Thursday, June 24, 2010
Does WND Want Employers to Screw Over Their Workers?
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Does WorldNetDaily enjoy seeing workers getting screwed over by their employers? It sure seems that way.

A June 22 WND article by Chelsea Schilling attacking Labor Secretary Hilda Solis for advancing the radical idea that workers should be paid fairly regardless of their legal status in the U.S. puts a decidedly anti-worker spin on things:

The Obama administration is encouraging illegal aliens to call its new hotline and rat out U.S. employers because they "work hard and have the right to be paid fairly."

Labor Secretary Hilda Solis is personally asking illegals to snitch on bosses if their paychecks aren't large enough.

Schilling uncritically quoted right-wing group Judicial Watch as calling the policy "unbelieveable," but if Schilling had bothered to do any researchfor her article -- or even attempted anyone who isn't an anti-immigration activist for a response -- she would know that it isn't.

As Media Matters notes, protection of workers' rights regardless of legal status is a longstanding federal policy enforced by both Republican and Democratic administrations. Further, enforcement of labor laws is arguably a disincentive to hiring illegal workers.

Schilling likely didn't contemplate that -- fairness isn't part of her job description. Her job was to write a smear piece, regardless of the facts -- something she does frequently.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:50 AM EDT

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