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Friday, May 21, 2010
Will NewsBusters Apologize for Mocking Katrina Victims?
Topic: NewsBusters

We've noticed that NewsBusters -- and, indeed, the entire Media Research Center -- has been silent about the controversy involving Fox Sports' Chris Myers, who mocked victims of Hurricane Katrina by saying that "the people in Tennessee, unlike -- I'm not going to name names -- when a natural disaster hits people weren't standing on a rooftop trying to blame the government, okay. They helped each other out through this."

Perhaps that's because a NewsBusters blogger said the very same thing.

As Media Matters' Eric Boehlert notes, celebrity blogger Charlie Daniels wrote in a May 14 NewsBusters post:

What I want to write about is the people of Tennessee and the true volunteer spirit of the Volunteer State. In the limited coverage given the flood by the national media did you see anybody on a rooftop waiting for a coast guard chopper to pick them up?

No you didn't, because when something like this happens the good people of the mid south get their priorities in order. First, thousands of prayers went up to the one who is truly in charge. They didn't wait for or depend on the government; people took their personal boats into the flooded neighborhoods and picked up perfect strangers, taking them to the safety of higher ground.

Any chance NewsBusters will apologize (as Myers did) for Daniels' uncivil mocking of Katrina victims? Probably not , since NewsBusters is oblivious to its own double standards on media coverage of such disasters.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:23 AM EDT

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