Topic: WorldNetDaily
To atone for his radicalism, Rev. Wright ended his sermon with the ubiquitous three points: 1) You are not alone; 2) God is at work on your behalf; and 3) You have nothing to be afraid of.
But of course, dear reader, America has quite a lot to be afraid of due to the shameful complicity and political cover up the liberal media provided Obama and his mentors, like Frank Marshall Davis, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn and Jeremiah Wright. We did not so much vote for a candidate in November 2008, but America voted for a revolution, a revolutionary hell-bent on deconstructing all that is good, honorable and patriotic; a fascist seeking to destroy America from within so as to remake this wonderful country into his own Marxist image.[...]
If the Rev. Jeremiah Wright can proudly and repeatedly say, "God damn America" in a 2003 sermon while Barack and Michelle Obama likely sat applauding in the congregation, perhaps America will emphatically say, "God damn Barack Obama" in the presidential election of 2012.
-- Ellis Washington, April 3 WorldNetDaily column